Thursday, June 25, 2009

a little survey fun

If I looked on the bed next to you, what would I find?

Do you go to the bathroom with the door open or closed?
I used to close it, but that didn't stop Quinn from coming in so unless we have company... the door is open.

Are your underwear and socks folded in your drawer or just thrown in?
socks are folded, undies are just tossed in.

Sleep on your back or stomach?
side fo sho

Are you a cuddler?
not really to be honest.

What would I find if I looked UNDER your bed?
absolutely nothin

What were you doing before this survey?
watchin a movie with the hubs.

What will you do after the survey?
try to get some sleep

Marriage or living together?
married and living together!

What shirt are you wearing now?
the blue and black one shellie gave me, I love hand me downs!!

Do you sing?
well? no. but yes I sing all the time.

Do you talk about your feelings or hide them?
i try to talk about it... or else it bottles up inside and i eventually explode and it's not fair.

First thing you do when you wake up?
pat marley on the back and try to get her to fall back asleep for a little longer!

Ever had surgery?

Last person you got into an argument with?
Jabali... we get over it fast tho...

Do you tend to rip the paper off water bottles?
yes I do. everytime.

What's one good thing about your best friend?
She's always good for a laugh. :)

How long does it take for you to fall asleep at night?
um, about 20 mins now i think

Current song on myspace?
I have a few.

When you shut off your alarm clock, do you tend to fall back asleep?
ooooooooooh yeah.

If you were given the chance to take care of a monkey for a weekend, would you?
no way I have my own little monkey to take care of.

What are you looking forward to in the next few months?
sun, swimming, running, playdates, seeing my sister Steph!!

It's midnight. Who are you texting?
Shel, but its now 1.... so no one.

It's Wednesday afternoon, where are you usually?
Home counting down the hours to SYTYCD!

Honestly, if you could have ANYONE in the world, who would it be?
My babies Quinn and Marley of course - and my husband all to myself.

Your Christmas list consists of?
haven't thought about it yet...

You're going to New York for shopping, where do you go first?
No where! I don't enjoy shopping. I would take in the scenery and culture... maybe a broadway show!

You need a new pair of jeans, what store do you go to first?
Shellie's closet. But I don't really wear jeans, just sweat pants.

How do you feel about your hair?
it's freakin great!

What movie is in your DVD player?
Madagscar II... I like to move it, move it.

If you could move away, no questions asked, where would you move?
I am here. :)

How much do looks matter to you in a guy/girl?
A LOT. It's a good thing I married such a hottie!

What's the greatest thing that happened to you today?
Some of my little brothers and mom came to visit and we all got to go swimming!

How many TRUE best friends do you have?
just a few

What would you change about your life right now?
I want some more mommy and me playdate friends. And wish Jabali's brothers lived around here so he wouldn't be so lonely.

What’s the best feeling in the world?


LKP said...

mommy n' me playdates are easy. i should hook you up with my friend cathryn. at volleyball the other night, she mentioned that her mommy n' me group was picking back up again. interested?

Shel said...

i need you to come shop at my closet... we have too much stuff for sho