Saturday, August 16, 2008

.it's my birthday and I'll cry if I want to.

My Baby Quinn isn't a baby anymore, he turned 1 on June 28th!! He is such a big boy now! Quinn is such a character, and has to be the happiest little guy ever (as long as his mommy is around!) And I am so lucky to be his mom, he makes me laugh every day. He is such a boy too, he LOVES cars and makes noises when he "drives them". Lately different cars have different sounds and they crash into each other. My favorite thing about him is his dancing! He'll hear a good song and start dancing away and soon everyone around him is dancing too. His new passions are swimming in the big pool, playing on the playground at the park and rough housing with his pup pup. He loves people and is always making new friends wherever we go. I love each and every day I get to spend with my little man.


Romm said...

Such fun stuff!! Love your site, guess I better get one started and post your baby pictures so everyone can see how much he looks like you!!

Stephanie said...

I am glad that you started putting things on your website!! Now if you would keep it updated I wouldn't have to keep checking your myspace :)